This is the second of three articles of 2022. We are looking at a step-by-step process you might want to consider so you can help get your pet’s immune system in a good place and ready to deal with his/her environmental issues.
Let us do a quick review. We are trying to stay in the presence of our pets today. Instead of reacting to a health situation that has already surfaced, what can we do now to give our pet the best chance of winning the war on seasonal allergies?
In the first article, we discussed the role of the liver AND the importance of strengthening the liver. This is the REMOVE part of the process. Remove all of the toxins that have been stored in the liver, so it has the best chance of working optimally.
We also have to remember the importance of providing a good foundation to give your pet the best chance at strengthening its immune system.
Time to Rebalance and Replenish
A Healthy Gut Environment = balanced histamine and immune system.
There is a myriad of health issues that result from a damaged gut – and there are lots of things in your pet’s environment that can cause that damage.
The relationship between the gut and the immune system is complex. Because of a growing body of research, there is a huge focus on gut health and overall health, and how the two are intimately linked.
The gut microbiome is made up of trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. While some bacteria are associated with disease (harmful bacteria), others are actually really important for the immune system (helpful bacteria).
Thankfully, there are also many things you can do to start repairing and rebuilding gut health and in turn create the best opportunity to revitalize your pet’s immune system.
The vast majority of microorganisms exist within the digestive tract. A normal digestive tract contains both “good” and “bad” (pathogenic) bacteria. However, when a gut is traumatized, pathogenic bacteria can then take over the environment, overwhelming the “good guys” and creating poor gut health.
Probiotics encourage those helpful communities to flourish in the gut, working to crowd out the harmful bacteria and keep the system in homeostasis.
Species-specific probiotics are even better. Each species of animal has its own specific microflora, so finding probiotics that have those host-specific traits means they are at home in your animal’s gut, and therefore even more effective.
Without prebiotics, those vital probiotics would just starve and die. They feed the beneficial bacteria colonies in your animal’s gut. Prebiotics work in tandem with the pros for the overall good of gut health and your pet’s immune system. Two real food probiotics are apples (no seeds) and bananas.
Digestive enzymes are proteins that help break down food molecules into smaller pieces. That fuels his/her body by helping it take in nutrients more efficiently.
Most healthy raw fed dogs and cats may not really need supplementation of digestive enzymes. The food they eat creates a proficiency with which the pancreas produces protease, amylase, lipase, and cellulase. So, if your dog or cat is producing all of these digestive enzymes, do you need to supplement?
Many of our customers have fed a high starch, highly processed kibble for some time before starting on raw. These “dead foods” lack natural digestive enzymes and can, over time, lack enzyme production to help facilitate digestion in the lower digestive tract.
Symptoms Of Digestive Enzyme Deficiency
Watch for these signs to know if your dog or cat may need some digestive enzyme support:
Rebalance the gut with a good, species-appropriate pre and probiotic. Get that tummy in optimal working order to ensure you are giving the immune system its best chance at battling the onslaught of environment.
Consider the use of a digestive enzyme. Remember, as our cats and dogs get older, the production of those enzymes does diminish. Seniors and geriatrics might need a little extra help.
Here are a few supplements you might want to consider:
Adored Beast Love Bugs – a pre and probiotic supplement to rejuvenate the gut
Adored Beast Healthy Gut – Love Bugs with digestive enzymes
Adored Beast Phyto Synergy – a whole food that helps with skin health, mobility, and joint health, improved cellular function (healthier organs), and decreases inflammation.
When the liver is functioning as best it can and when you have helped your pet rebalance and replenish the gut microbiome, spring will be here. Stay tuned for Part III where we will discuss what you can do to create the final line of defense to stand up to the dreaded environmental allergies.
Read Part 3 of the 3 Part Series
This information is intended to provide information only. Each animal health situation is unique. This information is not intended for use in diagnosis or treatment of specific health problems or diseases and should never be considered as a substitute for veterinary advice.