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The original, award-winning paw washer

The Dexas MudBuster quickly defeats dirty feet! It provides a quick and thorough cleaning of a dog’s muddy paws…...before they track it into your car or all over the house!

For dogs with environmental contact allergies. Rinsing their feet before they come inside helps to remove the irritants from their feet and reduces the amount of allergens that make it into your home.

Find the MudBuster™
That is Perfect for Your Pup!

The Large MudBuster is perfectly sized for large and extra-large sized dogs: it measures 8.85 inches tall and 4.75 inches wide. The open top allows a paw up to 3.5 inches wide. Breeds include Bulldog, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Labrador and Husky.

The Medium MudBuster is perfectly sized for medium sized dogs: it measures 6 inches tall and 4 inches wide. The open top allows a paw up to 2.5 inches wide. Breeds include Australian Shepherd, Beagle, Border Collie, Boxer, Corgi, English Bulldog and many Terriers.

The Small/Petite MudBuster is perfectly sized for smaller and toy dogs: it measures 4.3 inches tall and 3.65 inches wide. The open top allows a paw up to 2 inches wide. Breeds include Chihuahua, Dachshund, Maltese, Pomeranian, Yorkie and Boston Terriers.

Available Colours: Pro Blue, Fuchsia & Grey


Easy to Use

The MudBuster is so easy to use. Even the raised dot pattern on the outside makes it
easy to grip and twist. Follow these steps, then repeat for 3 more feet!


Add a little water


Guide the muddy paw in and do the twist.


Dry off paw with towel


Discard muddy water and rinse clean

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